We have strong risk and crisis management systems in place, which stood up well during the COVID pandemic and the impact of Brexit. They continue to be actively reviewed and developed as we move forward. Across our supply chain we have established strong partnerships, selecting organisations reflecting our values and reputational standards. As we continue to expand our work across the globe, this is of paramount importance. Our reporting internally and externally to shareholders is regular and clear, providing the opportunity to engage and vote on key issues, where necessary. Our accounting and reporting standards are independently verified.
At the direction of the Board, a global Sustainability Leadership Team was established during 2022. Led by a senior member of the management team, the SLT is charged with identifying, prioritizing, and implementing new initiatives to promote sustainability across the three ESG pillars in all the regions in which the company operates. The SLT presents new initiatives for review and approval by the company’s Executive Committee and, as appropriate, to the board.
We have a full Code of Conduct, developed and flexed for multiple markets, and share an Employee Handbook with our new hires. The Anti-bribery & Corruption policy were thoroughly reviewed and updated during the year and a social media policy has been implemented.